This blog was formed to function as an educational resource for all information related to Ponzi Schemes. While many are no doubt familiar with the more well-known perpetrators such as Madoff or Stanford, few realize that hundreds of Ponzi schemes have been uncovered in just the last decade alone since Madoff’s scheme came to light. The true toll of these Ponzi Schemes on the economy is unknown, but this blog aims to provide a more detailed look into the just why and how Ponzi schemes have been able to proliferate at such an alarming pace. While many may perceive each Ponzi Scheme as a separate and unrelated event, most do not realize that each subsequent scheme involves the loss of investor capital, the depletion of investigative resources, and most importantly, the slow erosion of faith in the free market system. This blog is intended to provide a unique insight into this age-old practice, while at the same time assembling a mechanism to track their occurrence and gain an understanding of the true toll, both economic and societal.
In addition to regular updates, the blog has also been constantly expanding to provide new features and resources. This includes lists of the top Ponzi schemes and recoveries, as well as Ponzi Case Websites which contains many known websites for receivers or trustees appointed over Ponzi schemes. Another feature is the Ponzi Database, which is the only known database of all Ponzi schemes uncovered in the "Madoff Era" spanning the last ten years.
Ponzitracker has been recognized by news and legal organizations for its coverage and analysis of Ponzi scheme issues. LexisNexis named Ponzitracker among the top twenty-five business law blogs in 2011, while the ABA Journal has included Ponzitracker several times in its annual Blawg 100. Ponzitracker has also been ranked among the top legal blogs on the internet by legal website Avvo.
About the Author

Jordan Maglich serves as Senior Assistant General Counsel (Litigation) at Raymond James Financial, where he handles litigation matters involving Raymond James. Prior to joining Raymond James, Jordan was in private practice where he focused on commercial litigation, securities and financial services, and regulatory matters. This experience included representing receivers appointed in connection with regulatory enforcement actions brought by federal and state regulators including the Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Trade Commission, Florida Office of Financial Regulation, and the Florida Office of the Attorney General. Through the effort of Jordan and his colleagues, they were able to recover tens of millions of dollars to return to victims of Ponzi schemes and investment fraud.
Jordan is frequently quoted on issues relating to white collar crime and Ponzi schemes in regional and national publications such as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, MarketWatch, The Street, the Tampa Tribune, the Sarasota Herald Tribune, and the South Florida Business Journal. In addition to publishing articles on a variety of topics in Forbes and other publications, Jordan is also regularly asked to serve as a panelist or moderator on presentations relating to his practice areas.
To contact Jordan or for any media inquiries, please email him here.
You can follow Jordan on Twitter at @Ponzitracker.